Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Red Bra of Courage

So, there is this author named Ellen Byerrum who is just absolutely hilarious. She writes this little series of books called 'A crime of fashion mystery'. Lacey, the main character, is a fashion columnist for a news paper, so in between her little story she shoves in these little articles called 'Fashion Bites' for your reading pleasure. There was one that I loved and have to put in here. Now, I don't know how others feel about their G's, but I feel that if I can't wear pretty panties (not to say that I don't love my G's because I really, truly do), then, by George, I'm gonna wear a pretty bra. Here's the article (it is from 'Raiders of the Lost Corset'):

Do you need a little something extra? Do you need the swagger of a sexy secret under your conservative suit? Do you need to tell the world, "There's more to me than this boring uniform" - without telling them too much? Do you need a jolt of pure physical confidence that comes from within (or pretty close to it)? You need the Red Bra of Courage!
Your boss, your barista, that weasel in Accounting, that cute new guy in Sales, they won't know why you suddenly have an extra bounce in your high-heeled step, why your mood is buoyant, your confidence unshakable. But you'll know. You may not sing and dance in your underwear like Tom Cruise in Risky Business or Madonna, the woman who almost single-handedly revived the bustier and corset as oh-so-daring outerwear. But clad in the cozy secret of the right underwear, you might just want to sing hallelujah! (Under your breath, of course.)
How does your underwear make you feel? Like running a 5K, putting on the Ritz, winning your case in court? Or like a five-pack of sturdy white cotton granny panties? Respectable enough to be caught wearing in case of a fatal accident, but about as exciting as eating oatmeal mush and wearing the box it came in? Do your undies make you feel strong and sexy? Courageous? Alluring? Or boring and dull, generic and suitable (barely) for everyday use?
A little-know fact about underwear is that it can affect your mood, your confidence, your entire style. It is the secret language beneath you clothes. If it whispers to you, your confidence will shout to us. And there is more to that secret language than the mundane statements of a jogging bra and baggy granny panties.
When it comes to lingerie, one set does not fit all. Bras, whether strapless, underwire, eighteen-hour, racer-back, or pushup, not only cover but shape and uplift and determine how you look in that dress or blouse - and who you think you are. That's a lot to ask of such a small piece of fabric. Measured in oomph per ounce, your underwear can be more powerful than plutonium - or deader than the dodo.
Women [all over the nation from career to mommy] wear camouflage all day long, an endless array of gray and beige and black. One hopes their secret wardrobe beneath those suits is a little more exciting. Remember, underwear can say what your outerwear can't say, and nobody has to know it but you. Others will feel it in your attitude. Don't you just love keeping secrets? And isn't it even more fun to whisper them in the right ear?
In the eyes of the world you might have to look like someone who wears a boring suit, a uniform, scrubs, sweats, even judicial robes. But underneath it all, you can be who you really want to be in your underwear. And maybe we'll even see it in the twinkle in your eye, and we'll wonder: "What's her secret today? Could it be...The Red Bra of Courage?"

I do feel that my G's give me that extra sence of confidence (even if they look like granny panties) because they have very special meaning to me. But when it comes to bras, find the bra(s) that you really love, be it red, blue, purple, pink, etc., and you growl girl! Grrrrr! G's or no G's. Let your inner self out!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Vacation 2009 - Southern South Dakota

So, this is a very long blog because we had such a fun packed vacation! Farmer Bob's sister, Trisha, took care of finding the Lodge for us and making everything wonderful. We left our place on Friday night after Farmer Bob got home from a week away down at district for more recon training. Our plan was to take turns driving all the way through to South Dakota and we accomplished that, but at a heavy cost. Who ever knew that Princess Buttercup was a car barfer? Not I! All the kids were uncomfortable and the two youngest cried all through the night, which made it so that I couldn't sleep. So when it was my turn to drive I could only go for a few hours. On the way out we passed by the Worlds Largest Frying Pan and the Corn Palace. We controlled our inner most desires to stop and kept on driving though. Maybe next time. We made it there with limited mental scarring at about 7:30 Saturday night.

On Sunday we went to church, nice ward too, and then everybody hung out at the Lodge and visited for the rest of the day. (Jeff & Kamille's fam & Mykl, Penni, & Keyly were not there for this photo. SAD!)
Then the mayhem started. But in a good way! On Monday we went to a place called Jewel Caves. Butterfly Personified and Dash were very excited to go down into the cave. Princess Buttercup was slowly freaking out and Hulk could care less.
Of coarse I didn't pay attention to what the different formations were called. That is just like me. So we named this one 'Davey Jones' tentacles'. It was very cool and of coarse the pictures are okay but don't really do things justice.
I do know that the reason why they called it Jewel Cave was because the two brothers that found it saw these formations shining in their lantern lights and thought that they had found a cave full of jewels.
I do remember though that this one was called 'The Bacon'. Pretty self explanatory though.
Hulk was being a bear when we were down there. We couldn't let him down to wreak havoc on the place so he had to be held. When we got to the point where they turn out all the lights, Farmer Bob's brother in law was holding the rascal. He told us that after the lights went off Hulk slowly wrapped his arms around Greg's neck and pressed his cheek up to his and wouldn't let go until the lights were all the way on again. Princess Buttercup didn't completely freak when we were down there but she kept letting me know that she was done now and would like to go back to the elevator. Dash was gone from the very beginning, leading the crowd. After so many stairs though he came back to me and asked when we would be done. And of coarse, I didn't hear a peep out of Butterfly Personified. She just followed along and listened in her sweet silent manner. By the time we were done we were literally having to strap Hulk to ourselves. Grrrrr.
After the cave we decided to take a nice long drive through Needles Forest so the kids could have some down time - and sleep! This rock formation is at the beginning of the drive through this State Forest - hence, Needles. It was called 'The Needle's Head' I think. It was really very pretty there.
There were natural tunnels that they had woven the road through. Before you entered each one they gave you the dimensions of it and a place to turn around if you couldn't fit. On this tunnel we had to put the side mirrors in on the truck. EEK! The whole while I sounded like my mother: Are you sure about this? Watch out! Farmer Bob!
All the while my volume grew with hysterics.
On Tuesday we headed to a place called Reptile Gardens. They claim to have the largest collection of venomous snakes in the Nation. That doesn't really tickle my spine but the place was very cool. They had a snake show. I tried to get a good picture of all the kids petting the python but there were so many people that crowded around at once that I couldn't. I am still pretty disappointed about that. So this was the best one of Greg and Hulk. These were the snapping turtles. Isn't she pretty! I loved her shell.
And of coarse, isn't that just typical of something a Daddy would do with his child over a snapping turtle?
They also had a Crocodile/Alligator show. Look at the mug on this lover. He looks like he wants a nice, tasty, chunk of Milk Maid for lunch, huh? Crawling toward me and lulling me with his charm. Good thing there's a fence there, no?
Here is all of our beautiful girls!
There is all of our handsome boys!
Then they had this fabulous bird show. Hulk especially loved it, he wouldn't shut up as a matter of fact. Owl. Ha Ha. Like you couldn't tell. :)
Bald eagle. Isn't it's feathers beautiful?
They kept all their snakes and a few other things in this big enclosed dome. I saw this flower and just had to have a picture. Of coarse, since I don't know the names of flowers and sadly don't really care, then I can't say what it is. But it's pretty!
They also had this guy in there. What I thought was cool - creepy really - about him is what is on his back. If you look right at the base of his legs then there are these claw things that come out right as his tail starts. It's like he grew five little fingers with a nail at the end of each.
Princess Buttercup and I got a huge kick out of some funny mirrors that they had in the dome. Farmer Bob had to take a picture. Snigger, snigger!
These are the amazing giant turtles. Princess Buttercup and I were very awestruck. The oldest and largest - of which I didn't get a picture of :( - is 128 years old. Considering that they live to be over 200 she was still pretty spry.
While we were standing there these two cuties came together and I was sure they were going to rub noses. Being the idiot that I am, realized not too shortly after, that they were actually coming together for a little tiff. The one on the left dove under the one on the right, trying to tip him over. The gal that worked there was bopping him on the head to break them up. Farmer Bob asked her what would happen if the one on the left succeeded and she said that it would take about five employees to set him to rights. CRAZY! A fight in slow motion. Never seen that one before.
Here they are at the beginning of their fight, us thinking that they're being lovey. That is Princess Buttercup's hand.
On Tuesday night we went to the lighting ceremony of Mt. Rushmore. I must say, it was very cool. I would recommend it to anyone. We got there at about 7:30 and had time to look around a bit before the movie started. They showed a little half hour jobby that told a little bit about each Pres. on the Mt. We said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang the National Anthem. They lowered the flag and did a little tribute to all service men that were in attendance and then they lit up the Mountain for the night. There is a hike that you can do that will take you up almost to their faces and I was really disappointed that we were unable to do that.

No, that is not my mystery child on the left that I keep locked in the attic. That is Evan, but he's more that welcome to come be a part of our clan.
On Wednesday we went to this place called 'Bear Country'. You go up to the front gate where they promptly pillage all your money, then you go through the gates into the park. It is one of those places where you drive your car around and the animals there that are indigenous to the area are roaming freely. This guy is an elk with the velvet still on his antlers. The hill was covered in these lazy fellows enjoying the shade.
Here are some Reindeer. Look at the rack on that baby! We couldn't believe he was able to hold his head up. It only looks like it's sagging because he had his head down eating.
This fellow is an Arctic Wolf.
His coat obviously didn't get the memo that its not spring anymore. Mangy!
Big horn sheep. This guy was one of the smallest ones in the herd but he had the biggest horns.
Rocky Mountain Goat. Isn't he cute! I just love his little face.
Then we came to the establishments name sake. The Black Bears. Ahhhh! That feels good. Nothing like a good scratch!!!
HELLO! Yeah, that is my window ledge right there. You weren't supposed to roll your window down but you just can't get a good picture through your window. Then I saw the guard way up in the security tower and decided to roll my window back up.
No, not dead. Their cute while they sleep huh. Not so unlike children!
That is a Timberwolf, just roaming around with the BEARS! I don't know what that says about him but I'm not going to mess with him. That picture was taken through the window.
Buffalo. That white blob out there in an albino. I could only get a picture of it's butt though. Boo Hoo. There were other things to see, like the rare and exotic donkey. Or just a donkey, really. When you were done driving through their little exhibit you got to get out and look around in an area that was more like a zoo type atmosphere. They had everything there from baby wolf cubs, foxs, and porcupines, to skunks. But what was really fun was the section with all the little baby bears. There had to have been about 20 of them running all around in there. I put a video clip in but it bumped it to the bottom of my post and I can't figure out how to move it. But these little bears shimmied right up a 20 or 30 ft. tree, played up there (then our memroy stick ran out and shut off the camera), and then, shoop - shoop - shoop, they slid right back down. They were very cute!
I loved this statue. There is a little river that runs around this one and another with little otters swimming around and catching their own fish.
After Bear Country we ate lunch at a place called 'Story Book Island'. It is this fun little park in Rapid City. You walk in through these two caslt turrets that are connected by a bridge. Prince Charming is climbing Rapunzell's hair and past her is about 5 acres of Peter's pumpkin, Snow White's house with her 7 dwarves, and so forth. The kids had a lot of fun.
On Thursday everyone - the adults anyway - were ready for a day at the Lodge. Some of us went out in search of souvanieres and some stayed home.
On Friday we headed South to a place called 'The Mammoth Site'. It is a tar pit that has been found. They have only scratched the surface.
Here is a look inside the tar pit at the things that are uncovered right now.
They have found 3 differnt types of mammoths in the pit so far. They said that every time you go there it will look different because they are continually digging. They have also found an American Lion. What is that? I was surprised to find that it is an African Lion just found in America. They also found 3 of this cutie so far....
It is called a flat nosed bear, or a bull nose bear, or something like that. Farmer Bob would remember I'm sure. But it's a super tall bear that had a really great sence of smell and long legs for crossing long distances. They said that if it were to stand on it's hind legs it would easily be able to see into a second story window. Yicks!
Hulk had woken up that morning with a fever. Looks like he had fun, huh? Poor guy!
After 'The Mammoth Site' we went back to Rapid City where Farmer Bob took Hulk and I back to the Lodge for a nap and everyone else went to a local rec center for a swim. They had a great time I was told.
On Saturday it was check out time for us all. That was an accomplishment, can I just say! And that's all I'll say. One good thing about it is that it made Farmer Bob home sick. We definately need to come on family vacations more often!
Once we left the lodge we headed down to Nebraska to visit my BFF :), Her Royal Highness. I haven't seen this lady in about 8 years and it was about time. She taught me how to crochet - which I later had to admit to my knitting sister that I whussed out on the whole knitting thing and I Benadict Arnalded on her - and I made a hat. It wasn't pretty but I MADE A HAT, WHOO HOO!
There's the pretty lady in the flesh, well the picture, and we had a really great visit. The kids didn't fight, our husbands talked Trooper for hours, and we all got a great rest from the frenzy of vacation.
It was good in a way but bad as well. When we got them back in the car you would have thought we had chopped off all their limbs and pulled out all their teeth. It was NOT a good trip back. We were hoping to stop at my brother's house but we ended up staying too long at Her Royal Highness's and then my niece got sick and had to go to the ER. So we drove straight through yet again. After many hours, two major trafic jams, and crying kids, we made it home with a fair amount of mental scarring this time.
Comming back to 2 1/2 weeks of growth on the lawn and an over grown garden that is 40x60 was worth the trip. It was really AWESOME!!!
And now I pull weeds.