Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Conference and things

Conference rocked, as always, but I do have to say that my favorite part was on the Sunday Morning session for the closing hymn when they did their little slide show with 'We Thank Thee Oh God, For a Prophet'. I do sooo love our Prophet! Isn't it interesting how we get attached to people that we haven't ever met and have this strange loyal devotion that permeates our entire beings? Odd things, we humans. I also loved Pres. Monson's talk in the first session on Sunday when he was talking about hardships and having faith. The story he told about the Mother who had to leave her home during the depression and go back to Germany, a 1000 mile trip, and she had to do it all on foot with four children from infant to 7 years of age. Her husband was dead and along the way all four of her children died too. She had to dig their graves with a table spoon and the last, the baby, she had to dig the grave with her hands. Finally making it to her destination, all she could do was be grateful for the plan of salvation and her love for her Heavenly Father. I cried and cried while Pres. Monson spoke and it made me wonder how strong my testimony really is.

So, as I go on reader, just keep in mind that I know that my trials are nothing to compare to the sorrows and struggles that others have faced, but I must write them down for my posterity anyway.

I have been having a really hard time with my depression lately, solely due to my large butt and regardless of how long or hard I run, it just keeps running with me (instead of OFF me). 'Her Royal Highness' recommends I go on drugs and I am seriously considering it! I am way too stressed with little hope of de-stressing because I don't know quite what it is that I am stressing about. Anyhoo, Farmer Bob had to go down to the Academy for more training on his crash reconstruction responsibilities. Before he left on Tuesday he separated Little Mister and Jenny May. Then he went to work at 2 and didn't come home until Friday night at 6. In the meantime, I was milking the cow as usual but instead of being able to milk her in 10 minutes (because Little Mister was getting his full), it was taking me 30 - 40 minutes. Needless to say, she didn't like it so much and neither did I. She started kicking the bucket and moving around so I had to follow her around the barn with my little stool in tow. And then on Friday morning when I was milking her she stood there like a good girl for those magical 10 minutes and then she moved over to the side of the barn and LAID DOWN! I untied her to pull her up and when she got some slack on the lead she laid her head down on her side and closed her eyes for a refreshing morning snooze. I was in, not small amounts, of shock as I stood and stared at her for a time. Then I pulled her up and she kicked the bucket for the rest of the time it took me to milk her. But the fun really started when Farmer Bob came home that night and went out to milk her. I told him that she was being a brat and he said 'Okay, Okay.', and he and Butterfly Personified went out to milk her. About 15 minutes later Butterfly P. came running back into the house yelling 'Jenny May kicked dad and he's really pissed and he's going to beat her, or EAT HER!' I went outside and found out that Jenny May had kicked Farmer Bob in the knee so Farmer Bob hauled off and kicked Jenny May, which of coarse ticker her off, so then she wouldn't let Farmer Bob milk her. We were out in the barn for over an hour trying to get Little Mister's dinner from his Mommy. She kicked the bucket and spilled the milk out so Little Mister went hungry that night. I tried to explain to Farmer Bob that Jenny May and I have a routine. She is a very Holy Cow. I go into the barn and play my favorite church CD, I muck her stall talking sweetly to her the whole time, and then after I tie her off we say a prayer together. He didn't do that. Now he does. She is always so good for me and now she is good for Farmer Bob.

After Farmer Bob came back I went into hibernation and started the 'Twilight' series again (still don't think I like it but I thought I would give it another try). I have been reading almost non-stop since Friday. My house is a mess and I don't care. My friend and I went to a 'Stampin` up' class last night and it was great fun and good to get out of the house. We made 8 projects, most of them cute, and had some yummy snacks (none of them helpful to my butt problem, of coarse). My friend's husband stayed to watch the kids and milk Jenny May for me so we could go together which was very nice, but when we got home I found out that I have a bipolar cow that went ballistic. She stomped on him, kicked him, bucked, and basically freaked. He had to tie her legs down and in general, they really didn't get along. He didn't play her favorite music and pray with her. I'm telling ya, I'm not crazy, she really is a Holy Cow.

Today I was able to go out to lunch with some of my other friends. We have a standing monthly date and I love it! I especially love that I was able to go today because Princess Buttercup was crying, then Dash started to cry because he had to clean his sty (his room), then Butterfly Personified started to cry because she had to clean her sty (also her room), and then Hulk pulled the girl's dresser over. He truly is Hulk. This isn't just a 3 drawer jobby, it is one of those long dressers with 6 drawers and it had stuff on the top. Hulk walked away with no injuries and cried for a second because he was startled by the big crash from the falling debris. It was great to get out of the house but I came back to Princess Buttercup chucking (out both ends, LOVELY!) and a pile of laundry a mile high, but every one's room was clean! Farmer Bob was in a bad mood so it was good that he got to go to work. I anxiously await my girls night out this coming Saturday (we're going to watch a movie called 'North and South' [nothing to do with the Civil War]. I have never seen it before so it should be great) but will be very sad that Spring Break will be over. Then its back to the grind stone for me. What I REALLY want to do is have a nice Manni and Peddi so I can start to show off my toes again. We'll see if I can't shove that in somewhere amongst all this brew-ha-ha.

1 comment:

  1. Haha well I must say your cow is pretty funny & Holy I guess you'd say. Kinda mean, but her kicking "Farmer Bob" is funny :D I'd eat her too!!
    Psh you don't have a big butt your beautiful!

