Saturday, March 28, 2009

The last of my beautiful Pumpkin Pies

First off I just have to say, I know that 'weeped' is not a word but you should have heard the sound that Princess Buttercup was making. And second, hooray for me! I set up my side bar! Thank you Your Royal Highness!!!
Now, as painful as it may be, I have to recall the story of the Pumpkin Pies.

A week ago, Friday, I went on my normal grocery shopping excursion. All went well, I came home, the kids helped me date and rotate all the food, and then everything was put away. Two days later Farmer Bob went down into the basement to grab something for me and came back up yelling. Come to find out, the freezer door had been left open to thaw all of my food and cool the basement. WHO committed this horrific offence against my humble freezer dwellers? Well, we won't disclose the name because what is done is done. I had 4 WHOLE 8 lb. roasters (home grown mind you) that were thawed out completely. Over 50 lbs. of blueberries picked by yours truly and Farmer Bob's mom. Not to mention all the left over berries from the garden last summer. Multiple pounds of beef, frozen veggies, etc., etc., etc.!!!! AND, 16 beautiful, hand made pumpkin pies. I had many wonderfully sweet pumpkins from the garden last fall so I decided to make some pies. I made the crust, the filling (with the help of My Cluck Clucks home grown goodness) and then froze all of them. When they were frozen I stacked them in three stacks in the freezer. When they thawed out gravity did it's job so terribly well. The top pies squished the bottom pies, distributing goo all over the inside of my freezer. Oh, about 13 pies worth of goo! But the pies that were lucky enough to be on the top of each pile tipped so half of the filling spilled out anyway. It took me days to make all those pies from pumpkins from my own garden. I had one pie upstairs in my freezer. The one and only survivor. So I baked her up yesterday and this morning I took her to the mutual girls who were trying to sell baked goods for girls camp money. FAREWELL MY BEAUTIFUL PUMPKIN PIE, I HOPE YOU FETCH A GOOD PRICE!
I lament!
The kids have been so good today. They usually are. It's at night when they morph into supernatural beings. Princess Buttercup has been content to watch her favorite movies. We don't watch very much but I have had a lot to do today and it keeps her occupied. But I just have to say, if I have to hear the theme song to 'Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses' one more time I think I might give in to the dark side. HAN SOLO, RESCUE ME!


  1. Are you wearing glasses in that picture?!?! I've never seen that! Too cute and great side bar! I can't believe how big all the kids are! the two youngest look NOTHING like I last saw.
    And bummer about your pies. Nothing says, "I love you" like leaving a freezer open, right?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The freezer thing really sucks!
    thanks for your one & only pumpkin pie though :)
    I wouldn't have ever given it away after losing all the rest & spending so much time on them!
