I'm pretty sure I've talked about how alarmingly
bahumbugish I am about holidays. No, not just Christmas - why should it be so special - but all holidays. Including birthdays and anniversaries. As you can see from some of our birthday celebration pics, they really aren't that fantastic. In fact, the kids and hubby are lucky to get a cake with candles instead of me just tossing some presents their way and saying "You become more of a smart 'A' the older you get but I love ya anyway!" I don't know what my problem is. It probably means I have some deep seeded neuroses or something. I didn't use to be this way though. If you look back in our historical archives we do have quite the array of fantastic parties with much fun had. I think the thing is that I like to party all the time. Why should I wait for a holiday to toss it up? This is not a bad thing, EXCEPT, by the time a holiday comes around - far and few between - I'm partied out. Maybe? Well since we have moved away from home and family there has been no one but ourselves and friends - who visit their families - to commiserate with on these oh so special days. So, long ago, we started a new family tradition, for Thanksgiving and Christmas at least. I cook up a bunch of '
nothin but bad for you' food, spread it all out on the table for grazing animals such as children, get a bunch of new movies for a movie marathon, and order pizza (poor pizza maker having to work on Christmas so I can eat in laziness - I love you). Over the years we have all fallen into this niche and are quite comfortable there.
So this Christmas morning we opened presents...
Love it!!! I'm thinking that's a pretty good tradition to adopt. I'll run it past Popeye.